Tag Archives: Changing

Change… how does it start???

Hello Guys,

I have been thinking about a good topic to begin writing again and I felt I should discuss this very sensitive but the most important topic in everyone’s life. When I said how does change start, I meant about the change which we put an effort to make it happen. In many cases we are the result of the change and we go on with the change and adjust ourselves according to the change. But how often do we work on changing something?

Changing something!!! I am not talking about the things around us, I am talking specifically about us. To realize what we have to change in us is a great asset. If you know what you have to change in you, it means you know what you are and what your weaknesses are. If you ask 10 people to tell what they are, or what are their strengths and weaknesses, I am sure 9 out of 10 would say, I did not pay attention to that. I am not talking about the interview answers here, saying I am positive, I am confident. What I am talking is about the right things that you answer yourself. Its tough to know yourself, it is really really tough. But once you know what you want to change in you, or what you want to improve yourself in, “what do you do next to implement the change?” is what I am trying to talk in this post.

Changing something in you in a constant struggle between your habits and mental strength. This world is full of obstacles. I am sure you are shocked here when I say that, but I am not kidding. Everything around you doesnt allow you to change. Simple example of this would be of a guy who wants to get up early in the morning. I am sure many of you can relate to this situation because I am sure that I am one among the millions who have thought of doing this and given up atleast thousands of times. I shamelessly admit saying “I never put any effort to get up early regularly”. This might be true with many of us, but let us discuss on how do we work on this.

For this to happen, it is not sufficient if we think that we should get up early in the night just before sleeping. We should think of it the entire day, every hour, that you should get up early tomorrow. This has to happen for a while for it to sink in as a habit in us. But what happens most of times? This world around us stands as an obstacle to implement this change in us. We end up spending long nights with friends someday and gone is the change with the wind. Some of you might be thinking “Should we give up everything around us (Weekends, Night Life, Poker) to get up early in the morning?”. There is very fine line here and thats why I called it a very sensitive topic. You don’t have to give up everything around you forever, but to make the change to happen, yes you have to. That is, you have to give everything up for a while atleast until you are habituated to getting up at a certain time everyday. This may sound ridiculous to many of us, including me, but this is what I feel is the major problem with everyone of us. We do not give it enough time before we see the results.

In this fast world, everyone of us need instant results. We do not have the time and patience to invest our energy in something which will take time to show results. Thats the reason why we are again back to square one. So the best Mantra for bringing in a change with in you is to think about what you have to do every moment and push yourself to do it until you develop that as a habit. Things do change everyday and you might not be able to keep up with everything you think, but if you think of the change constantly, you will atleast know where you are missing it. Guys, this topic is tough to express for a rare blogger like me. But I tried my best to put my thoughts into words. I will sure appreciate any comments or suggestions on this topic.

Thanks a lot.

Krishna Chaitanya Emani